
updates · 29. April 2024
Hello! Such a long absence! Wow! I figured it's high time for an update so you guys know what's what. Especially in case you don't follow my instagram where I already tried to make some updates. So! Early this year my husband and I decided to adopt a dog puppy. Her name is Hinako and she's a lovely jolly bean. However having a dog required a lot more than we had anticipated (it's basically like having a toddler in your home without warning) and stress at work got really bad, too. So for the...
updates · 05. November 2023
Page 18 is live and can be read in English and German here on this website! Hooraaaayyyy!!! Also, I just reached 1000 followers on Instagram and I said I would make something special for the occasion. I will make a giveaway soon where you can participate to win a rather special art commission from me :D More details on the giveaway and how to participate coming soon!

updates · 21. October 2023
Aaaand it's October! How on Earth did that happen?! Where did September go?! Has anyone seen it? No? Okay, fine let's move on. Page 18 of the comic is well underway. Hooray! I had a bit of a creative block with this one. I tried pushing through it but eventually I just had to focus on other things for a while and then suddenly inspiration and motivation were back in full swing. I dare say the comic page is better off for it, since I suddenly spotted a few things which will make it even more...
updates · 03. August 2023
Just dropping in real quick to give you some news. First of all: THANK YOU so very much for all your kind and encouraging words. I really appreciate it!!! I will continue with the Sovereigns comic as planned, just to roll that question out of the way real quick. I am still having trouble finding time to work on it... I'm planning on lowering my work days from 5 to 4, but that requires some planning and saving up. If you want to help me out, please consider donating a tea of 3$ via my Ko-fi...

updates · 23. July 2023
I just heard today that there's going to be an official W.i.t.c.h. reboot! The graphic novel will be more in Manga style as we can already see in this cover preview, and will be set in modern times to attract the current young readers. The story is leaning on the official comic series but will incorporate new things as well as far as I understand it. The comic is launching in Italy this Ocotber. It's not clear yet if or when it will be translated into other languages. I've been saying this on...
updates · 17. June 2023
Page 17 is finally here! I'm relieved that I managed to get it done before my wedding. I had hoped I would, but for a time it didn't seem like that would work out. Anyway! It did! So... yay! I was a bit more experimental with this one and for some reason I thought it would be a super simple page. Mostly because the colour scheme is a simple one. What I didn't take into account was the flowing hair and the uber dynamic poses! The "up" and "or down" Wills took me a long time and they went through...

updates · 16. March 2023
I just wanted to drop by and give a little update. My rabbit has been sick on and off since our move and sadly things have gone worse and worse up to a point that we decided to just make her last days as comfortable as we can. She doesn't seem to be in any pain so that's a relief but saying goodbye to a friend that's been with you for 9 years is still hard and sad. I needed some time to cope with that and honestly I still do. I'm spending as much time as I can with her and just do whatever I...
updates · 03. February 2023
Hey guys! Time for another update! Page 16 took a lot of time, right? Well, since I used it to plan the next couple of pages ahead, I believe that the next ones should be done faster (like maybe a couple months instead of half a year... ehem.) I already started cleaning lines for page 17 so things are going well so far. My goal is to get pages 17-19 done until summer! While you guys know I can't make promises, it helps me set deadlines to try and hold them. So let's hope I can scratch up enough...

updates · 19. January 2023
Hey guys! Great news! The next comic page is as good as ready to join its pals here on the website! I made good progress over the last weekend so there are only a few smaller tweaks left. I expect to be able to share it with you guys over the course of this weekend. Also, there's a little surprise waiting that some of you have been asking for over the past months. Hope you're excited and see you all this weekend for the next page! WHEEE!
updates · 19. December 2022
It's not yet Christmas but time is running fast so I figured I'd make another update for you guys. Progress on the comic: I've finished with basic coloring of the page. Next I need to add shading and maybe tweak some colors here and there until the page is done and ready for upload. Apart from that I noticed that I need more time. As silly as that sounds, I just can't handle my full-time work and private life AND the comic all at once. The comic needs a lot of time and energy that I simply...

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